Install GDAL on macOS
Stacked to install GDAL on macOS? Yes, I did. Now it’s extreamly simple.
I used to stack install GDAL on macOS. Looked for third party installers or use QGIS environment. Now they provide official installer via pip! We can setup with pip and homebrew.
- OS: Mac OSX Catalina
- GDAL: 3.3.0
- Python: 3.3.6
- Homebrew: 3.1.12
- pip: 21.1.2
How to install
Excute these commands one by one. They emit a thousands of logs, just continue.
brew install gdal
pip download GDAL
tar -xpzf GDAL-<version of GDAL>.tar.gz
cd GDAL-<version of GDAL>
python build_ext --gdal-config /usr/local/Cellar/gdal/<version of GDAL>/bin/gdal-config
python build
python install
If you are not sure which version of GDAL you downloaded, execute ls /usr/local/Cellar/gdal/
and you will find it.
Let’s check it out
When you got the response of their virsion, they are all installed parfectly.
gdalinfo --version --version
Python bindings
>>> from osgeo import gdal
>>> gdal.VersionInfo()